It was a pretty quiet weekend on the farm. It started raining very early in the morning on Friday morning and has basically rained off and on since then. It is raining again as I type and is supposed to taper off tomorrow (Monday) morning. There were plenty of periods where it did not rain for several hours at a time and I could have ridden, but I just couldn’t motivate myself to do it. I had myself convinced it was raining even when it wasn’t. The horses seemed to really enjoy the warm rain and I think I saw one horse in a shelter for a few minutes this weekend. They seemed to alternate between covering themselves in mud by rolling by the gates and then looking clean again after the rain had washed them off.
Winston sporting the muddy look; he looked clean again a couple of hours later
I had told myself that I would not complain about the rain and mostly have stayed with that plan. Jason on the other hand . . . ! I did get so wet a couple of times that I literally just had to take my clothes off as soon as I came in the house.
This week I need to get the chiropractor out for Bonnie and Lexi. I have to say Jason is perpetually in the running for world’s greatest husband. He hasn’t complained about me having the chiropractor out this week, in fact asked if I had made the appointment. When I had Bonnie with a trainer and was paying for full board and full training for a few months he did not complain despite the fact that we have a lovely farm and a gorgeous arena. I had the saddle fitter out last week and he was fully prepared to hear that I would need a new saddle or two. He actually didn’t hear that but he was going to be ok with it!
He didn’t say anything when I ordered the DR Power Grader. When he sees another box from Dover Saddlery he actually seems to like watching me open it to see what comes out . . . he doesn’t inquires about the cost but since all of our accounts are joint accounts he knows anyway. I think he’s finally learned that asking about costs in relation to a horse is always a bad question! He didn’t even raise his eyebrows when I found three bridles with the tags still on them in my tackroom (I could open my own used tack store I think). He doesn’t say anything about lesson costs and show fees and even offers to drive the trailer to out of town shows.
When I wanted fainting goats he groused a lot but then found a breeder and drove with me to get them. He then built them their own pen, built them a teeter totter to play on, and has bought them various toys. He didn’t complain when I thought Jo’s breathing was too heavy and I had the vet out and had a chest x-ray done on her (we already know I need to go straight to the loony bin so I’m not exactly ruining my image by revealing that tidbit).
As I started typing out that I was going to have the chiropractor out for my girls for some reason I started thinking about all of the stuff that Jason puts up with. He mentioned once a couple of years ago that I could be a high maintenance person and I vehemently denied this. After all I go outside and work on the farm when it is hot, cold, raining, etc. without complaining. But after a few minutes of self reflection while typing maybe he is on to something with that high maintenance comment, especially since I don’t remember Jason ever spending any money on a hobby. So for whatever it is worth Jason needs some public recognition of his support and his tolerance!
Hopefully we will dry out over the next couple of days. All of this rain has certainly made the grass grow! The poor lawn mower is going to have to mow through a jungle once it is dry enough to mow the lawn again. I guess Jason the wonder husband will be in charge of that too!
Jason giving Mina and Jo some raisin treats; Jo especially loves her raisins and recognizes the Sun Maid raisin box
The Don in mid crow and looking a bit soggy
Bugle hanging out in the flower bed in front of the barn; the rain definitely did not bother the dogs
Jason playing soccer with Mina and Jo
Jason holding Jo
Faune and Henry had a nice grooming session
