It is hard to believe I’m writing my first post of 2009. Time really does fly when you are having fun. First I would like to thank everyone who sent me the wonderful Christmas cards with all of your lovely notes inside them. I feel terrible that I did not send out cards this year. I like to send out cards each year as a way of saying thank you for my wonderful life. Things were simply so busy around the farm in the last three months or so that I never had time to even think about Christmas cards. I feel much better now that I have gotten that off my chest!
As I reflect on 2008 there are so many wonderful memories. As with any year there are a few you would like to forget. We had to say goodbye to two residents in 2008. In the spring we had to let go of Magick, a beautiful gray arabian gelding. Magick had a nice life and lived well into his late 20’s. We had to let him go when what appeared to be colic actually turned out that his intestines were being squeezed shut by a tumor that had wrapped around them. At his advanced age surgery was not a kind option for him so I held him in my arms as we let him go. Then in July
Trillion and Faune
There was just a lot going on in this picture. Trillion is sticking out his tongue and Faune has his head over Sebastian
Faune and Sebastian grooming each other
Trillion and Sebastian
The goats wandering in one of the horses pastures
Trillion, Sebastian and Ogie
Some of the chicks I rescued (

Leo, Homer and Apollo
Apollo, Ivan and Elfin
Trillion and Asterik taking a drink while Poco watches from the other side of the fence
Teddy, Buffy and Harmony
Spread out and peacefully grazing
Chance and Homer
Teddy and Harmony
