First of all, everyone was able to “name that gray” in the last post. It was indeed Sebastian, the connemara/irish draught cross. He is adorable and has the cutest personality to go along with his looks.
Jason and I had a busy but very nice weekend. Jason worked hard Friday and Saturday to finish up all of the bush hogging that needed to be done. He was very glad to finish that job on Saturday, service the bush hog, and put it away for at least a few weeks. He then followed that up with everyone’s favorite job around here, fence board repair. Have I mentioned lately how much I dislike wood fencing?? Friday was also farrier day so we had constant activity around here all day.
Sunday was especially fun because we spent the afternoon celebrating my grandfather’s 92nd birthday! He has been blessed not only with a long life but amazing health and he still takes a big trip every year. He has travelled around the world and continues to do so. I hope I inherited not only his longevity and health but also his passion for living. He is an amazing man, the nicest person you could ever meet and is loved by many. Happy Birthday Grandaddy!
I’m going to wrap this up with a few pictures and head to bed. It has been a fun but long weekend and I’m ready for some sleep!
Jason and I with my Grandfather
Grandaddy blowing out his candles; my sister is in the background and her three kids are helping with the candles

Trillion and Sebastian enjoying a grooming session
Jason cleaning up the bush hog; I parked my equipment, the Kubota utility vehicle and my DR Power Grader next to his equipment. My equipment looked very small and “girly” next to the big tractor and bush hog!
Tony’s summer coat is beautiful and doesn’t show up as well as I wanted it too in this picture. It is a deep, rich red chestnut color. His mane and tail have a lot of red in them as well.
A typical scene (the gray in this picture is Lightening the Arabian by the way!)
Silky aka Slinky
Chili and Lucky
MyLight has made it out to the “big” field from the paddock. She’s been pretty enamored with all of the space and with the geldings on the other side of the fence!
Cuff Links in his usual position, head down and grazing. With the grass mowed you can see all of him again! He still plays with the big boys over the fence a lot as well.
Winston and Trillion
Apollo and Leo having a grooming session