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Weekend in Pictures


I had a very quiet weekend. Jason was away and will not be back for a few more days. We had light rain off and on Saturday so I had a pretty quiet day, just doing the basics of feeding, cleaning stalls, etc. Today (Sunday) was unusually cool for this time of year with a high of only 64 degrees and a brisk wind. I thought the horses would be really frisky and full of themselves at feeding times today but they were very copacetic and zen-like. I had a super exciting day scrubbing water troughs, replenishing salt blocks, grooming a few horses and rebedding stalls. I did manage to take quite a few pictures over the last few days which I will go ahead and share. My weekend was so quiet there just isn’t anything else to say about it – not that I’m complaining about that!

Bubba the goat illustrating the fact that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Why he insisted on contorting himself under the fence to nibble at the weeds on the other side by the gate instead of turning around and grazing on the lush grass behind him is a mystery to me.

Quiet grazing; Faune, Winston, Sebastian, Asterik, Trillion

Silky, Lucky and Snappy

Harmony, Buffy and Missy

Elfin and Leo were on the move . . .

. . . to a different grazing spot

Lightening, Clay and Teddy

Traveller in the front, Sparky in the back with O’Reilly, Bridget, Lexi and Bonnie in the middle

Sparky decided it was nap time

He heard me coming and sat up

Bonnie and Bridget

Happy group of grazing horses

I hope to have a retirement this nice

Levendi, Elfin and Dustin

Tony and Baby

Harmony found me very interesting for some reason; the horses usually ignore me unless it is a meal time or they see a plastic bag (treats) in my hands and neither was the case

Then she snorted at me and starting trotting around

Trying to get Buffy to understand what was so incredibly interesting about me

Cuff Links with grass up to his stomach; the grass (and the weeds for that matter) is getting very tall in places

Bush was keeping an eye on things

Mr. O’Reilly



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