I apologize for not updating my blog since last week. Jason and I had a brief getaway over Easter weekend. My parents have a beautiful place on the Gulf Coast that we are welcome to go to any time we want. My sister goes so often she keeps a key on her key ring. Jason and I have not been since 2006! We decided that was pretty stupid on our parts and decided to rectify that this weekend. So we made a quick trip to the coast and enjoyed a short break, ate a lot of fresh seafood and relaxed.
The view from the master bedroom

One of the more popular local residents is Chuckie the alligator at the zoo. Chuckie is an eleven foot alligator that weighs over 1,000 pounds. He lives at the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo which was featured in the thirteen episode Animal Planet series
Chuckie was sunning himself lazily
Although it was nice to be away for a couple of days it is always nice to come back to the farm. I had a really nice gift waiting for me when I got home. I read Luanne’s blog All In a Day’s Work. She is not only a horsewoman with a lovely farm but she is an amazing artist! Recently she gave away some of her handmade dichroric glass jewelry to some of her readers. She had a fun contest where we answered a few questions that were easy if you read her blog! Then we had the fun of picking our jewelry! I even had Jason helping me out, they were all so beautiful I had a hard time deciding. Plus, it was hard to accept such a generous gift.
However not only did Luanne send me the gorgeous necklace I picked out, but opening the whole package was a fun experience. First there was this really cute box that I realized was a recipe box. The necklace was inside, but she also included a handwritten recipe from her own collection for Chocolate Nut Pie. Clearly Luanne has been reading my blog since she knows I love dessert! The whole presentation was just so perfect it would have made anyone’s day and it definitely made mine. I guess I am just not that . . . nice? Or that thoughtful? Or that creative? I sure as heck cannot make jewelry (or at least nothing anyone would wear!) much less put so much thought into creating such a cute package.
My wonderful package: the recipe box, necklace, and the Chocolate Nut Pie recipe

Isn’t this necklace awesome? I love the colors and love the fact that it is a one of a kind creation, no one else will ever have one just like it!
It was nice to be back working on the farm today. Aside from a very brief rain shower this morning and another ten minute rain shower this afternoon the day was beautiful. Bright sunshine, a gentle breeze and a temperature in the low 70’s. I have noticed there is one Canada Goose still hanging around the pond. He also hangs out in the pasture next to the pond where Buffy and Harmony live. I don’t know if he got separated from his group or what. He appears to be perfectly healthy and happy. The geese
Strolling through the pasture
Hanging out
Other than that we don’t have a lot going on around here. The exciting news one day last week was that
Bella put HER ears forward watching me trying to take Cuffie’s picture
As you can see Asterik took advantage of our brief rain today. I don’t know why I am even posting this picture as he is so filthy! He is normally white . . .
