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Tractor Repairs, Jason Blogs and Roadside Attractions


As we mentioned Random Musings of a Farmer. There is a link to it in my blog roll to the right.


In the same blog I mentioned at the beginning of this post Jason told you we were planning to stop by a roadside attraction in Cullman, Alabama on our way to look at a tractor. We’ve seen the signs for it for years, a Catholic grotto. It is a collection of miniature replicas built by a monk that was a resident of the monastery in Cullman. Most of them are replicas of Catholic churches, monasteries, and other spiritual scenes and some were just replicas of historical sites such as the Roman Aqueducts. Jason and I are not Catholic but we were very curious to see this after seeing the signs for many years. Although it was neat, and were both impressed by the fact that the monk who made all of these had no training whatsoever and just somehow taught himself how to do all of this, we were both a bit underwhelmed. On the other hand many of our fellow tourists seemed to almost be having a religious experience of sorts as they looked at all of the miniatures!

The Ave Maria Grotto has a website if you would like to learn more about it.

As the sign says this is a miniature replica of the ruins of the Roman Aqueducts

Some of them were pretty neat looking

There were 4 acres of miniatures

Jason’s favorite part of the whole thing . . . the Chipmunk Crossing; somehow I think we missed the point of the Catholic Grotto if this was our favorite part.

Jason giving Chili a nice cool hosing one afternoon. Chili has anhydrosis (he doesn’t sweat) so he has to be watched closely in the summer. Lately he’s been coming in the barn to stand under a fan during the day. Some days he doesn’t need to come in or even need to be sprayed down in the afternoon, he doesn’t really have a solid pattern. We just have to watch him closely. Chili strongly prefers to NOT come in the barn if at all possible!

Chili looking satisfied after being sprayed off

Spike and Snappy grazing

Sebastian scratching his neck on the fence

Bonnie and Norman grazing while Sparky rested

Chance hanging out while Hemi and Elfin grazed

Bush sleeping in his favorite place – the laundry room

Buster the pet cow


Baby, Homer, and Leo (Tony hiding in the back)

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