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Too Much Experience


We had the misfortune of dealing with a couple of water leaks right at Christmas. It was really a great way to spend the holiday week (that was said with sarcasm). We found ourselves dealing with another water line leak yesterday. Of course, per usual, Jason did 95% of the misery work associated with repairing the leak. To say he was not happy about the situation would be putting it mildly. At this point we would both agree we have too much experience in this area. Even I’m beginning to think I could repair a leaking water line and that is scary.

The part that has him the most upset is the fact that all three of these leaks have occurred in the only section of all our water lines that he didn’t install himself. We have several thousand feet of water lines at the farm, most of them installed by Jason. When we were at the peak of our farm building frenzy we decided to pay someone to install about 1,000-ish feet of water lines for us. Sometimes you have to admit that you can’t do it all. It goes without saying that Jason deeply regrets that decision now. The good news is that Jason installed shut-offs at every pasture and every trough. So we can shut off the water only to the area with the leak and still have water at the rest of the farm. Jason thought his water lines through very well and that has paid off. Having someone else do some of the work definitely has not paid off.

After five years that entire section that was not installed by Jason appears to be slowly failing. We’ve now had three leaks in it in the last 7 months. Jason made phone calls today to see about getting someone with a backhoe out to the farm in the next couple of weeks to dig up all of those lines. Instead of being surprised with a leak at random times we’re just digging up and replacing all of the lines in that 1,000-ish foot section. We are not happy (understatement of the year) about the time, the expense, or the pain in the butt factor that will be associated with this but it seems to be the most prudent choice.

The only positive thing Jason managed to say yesterday was that it is a lot easier to repair a leak when it is warm and sunny then when it is 45 degrees and raining. My back hurt just watching him dig. So I guess our Christmas in July present to ourselves will be replacing 1,000+ feet of water lines. As anyone would be, we are totally thrilled.


I think Jason would have been pleased with less supervision and more helpers

Having a farm is always fun

MyLight, Calimba and Dolly

Walden and Fabrizzio


This visitor was waiting for me when I went to the back barn to feed one morning. He immediately jumped in the back of the truck and expected me to drive him around. Thankfully Jason found his owners who were actively looking for him.


Toledo and Kennedy

Lightning waiting for breakfast

Duesy and Bruno hanging out before breakfast

Lofty and Donneur

George and Gibson

Gus, Silver and Cocomo

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