Since Carter has been seeing me ride lately he has had a renewed enthusiasm for riding Timbit. Timbit’s pasture puff status has been ever so slightly endangered by the 15 minutes of “work” he does a couple of days per week. Carter rides him bareback with a halter and practices things like walking, stopping and turning. Then I jog along and we all do a little bit of trotting. We cover a lot of ground at the trot, at least 20 steps. For the grand finale Carter goes back and forth a couple of times over the world’s smallest jump.
As happens when we do things with Sparky, Timbit tends to attract a lot of attention from the other horses when he’s not in his pasture grazing. Carter and Timbit strut their stuff in front of a peanut gallery that at times is impressively large. Timbit, like Sparky, knows he is a rockstar and is not at all surprised to have fans watching him. In fact, I’m sure Timbit regularly tweets about having the biggest audience, and the best audience. That’s how Timbit rolls.
Carter, Timbit and I ready to ride

Kate assisting Carter and Timbit over their tiny jump while Cino watched

George, Gibson and Asterik watching Timbit at work

Sabrina, Sparky and Bonnie were also part of the audience

Romeo and Lotus were fascinated while watching Timbit

Miel and Quigly

Sam and Mick

Maisie and MyLight

Dolly and Lily

Convey and Chance

Lighty and Happy

Fabrizzio and Alfie

Rocky and Toledo

Gus and Roho

a better look at Roho

Magic, Squirrel and Sushi

a better look at Magic and Squirrel


Walon napping while Gus and Roho ate hay
