As Jason wrote about last week he has spent an inordinate amount of time in search of a new lawnmower. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to find and purchase a lawnmower however we do have a knack for doing things the hard way. After spending an entire day traipsing around north Alabama last week and coming up empty handed Jason was feeling rather disgruntled. “How hard can this be?” he kept asking.
With desperate times calling for desperate measures he was preparing to make a trip, with trailer in tow, to Indiana to look at several more lawnmowers. I asked for about the 219th time if there weren’t any lawnmowers in the great State of Tennessee we could buy. I always got some variation of the same response: “If I could find one worth buying don’t you think I would have already bought it?” This was usually stated in a less than friendly tone.
Jason was checking all of his usual internet sites over the weekend to see if any new listings had come up when he excitedly told me he had found a couple of Kubotas just across the state line in Kentucky. Driving 120 miles one way to Kentucky sounded a lot more reasonable to me than driving 350 miles one way to Indiana. So I happily sent him on his way the truck and trailer on Monday to head off on another lawnmower search. Quite frankly I was glad to have a day where I wasn’t having to hear about our old lawnmower or our lack of a new lawnmower (Jason is very good at obsessing over things).
A few hours later Jason called me and announced “I bought one!” in a very excited tone when I answered the phone. I will admit that I was less than excited when I checked our bank balances and saw the appalling amount of money that we had just spent on a freaking lawnmower. I could totally get behind spending that much and more on a horse. However I have zero intentions of having a fulfilling relationship with a lawnmower.
We are now the owners of a Kubota commercial grade zero turn. Our grass was desperately in need of mowing so it got welcomed to Paradigm Farms by being put to work literally as soon as it arrived at the farm. I even took a brief turn on it. I figured for what we had just paid for it I might as well take it for a spin at least one time. The stupid lawnmower immediately highlited my worst riding habit, hanging on the inside rein. I found that our Kubota definitely drives better when one does not hang on the inside rein and instead focuses on the connection in the outside rein.
Mostly I am just glad to not be hearing about lawnmowers constantly. I don’t really care about the pros and cons of John Deere vs. Kubota, or zero turn vs. front mount, or a gas engine vs. diesel engine (definitely diesel), or if it is liquid cooled, or when the zerks were last greased. I don’t know what the hell a zerk is anyway, nor do I care. Maybe I should care, but then why bother when you have Jason to obsess over it all?
Jason looking very serious as he mowed our ridiculously overgrown grass. It no longer looks like a jungle along our driveway.

The girls, AKA the World’s Cutest Fainting Goats, were not happy when their paddock was being mowed. Mina and Miss Lyle hid in their shed looking very concerned . . .

. . . while Jo hid in the dogloo

Rip and Ritchie with Chance and Leo in the background

Hemi and Thomas

Homer and Moe

Apollo, Tony and Baby

Elfin, Grand and Levendi


Calimba and her on again/off again boyfriend Norman


Clayton and Largo (that’s Stormy hiding behind them)

Bergie, Oskar and Donovan

Donneur (looking rather mud colored) and Lofty

we’ve had some pretty sunsets the last few days

and yesterday’s pretty sunrise