Once again, we’ve come to late summer. Although the temperatures should stay summer-like through August, I know fall is on the way when the equine dentist shows up. Her first appointment was with Melissa at the “old” farm today. The plan is for the dentist to make a couple of visits to the old farm to float teeth on the horses who have not yet made the move to the new farm. We’ll get this task scratched off our never ending “to do” list for some of the horses along with sheath cleaning. What could make a horse’s day more perfect than seeing the dentist AND having your sheath cleaned. Thanks to all the walking in and out and fetching and returning horses from the back, doing teeth on the old farm is exhausting. On the topic of the new farm we’re hoping to be ready to complete the move and have everyone happily settled at our new farm in the very near future, and we are really looking forward to this day (Melissa here -I don’t think there are words to express how much I am looking forward to this day!!).
Although I missed out on today’s visit from the dentist, I’m not at all sure my day was easier than Melissa’s, although I admittedly didn’t volunteer to change places with her before I left this morning. Between morning and evening chores, I spent the day chainsawing a tangle of downed trees that’s been bugging me for several months in one of the currently empty pastures on the new farm. If you are a logger and you’re reading this you will undoubtedly think I’m a wimp. I don’t use a chainsaw every day and my arms, legs and back feel like wet noodles after 8 hours with my trusty Stihl MS 361. I think (hope/pray) that one more day will finish up dealing with wood for a little while.
Fuzzy and Clay

Wiz and Dutch


Thor and Snappy

O’Reilly and Noble

Lily and Maisie

George wanted Johnny to pay attention to him

Kennedy, Toledo and Clayton having a relaxing afternoon
