This week is vaccination week. I’m sure the horses will be thrilled to learn that they all get to see the vet this week. As part of preparing for vaccinations I collect everyone’s coggins in a file for the vet. Instead of spending all day re-drawing all of the marking on a new coggins for each horse I just hand the file with the old coggins to the vet so they can copy the information from them at the office.
As I was sorting through the file of coggins making sure I was not missing any I reached the back of my folder. In there were the old coggins reports for residents that are no longer with us. It is an inevitable part of the retirement farm that eventually the residents pass away. Sometimes it is a planned euthanasia, sometimes it is not. Sometimes they leave us way too young, other times they have a very long life. No matter how it happens it is sad. Painful.
I looked at the names of the horses we have loved and lost through the years of boarding retired horses. My own mare

Clayton and Stormy
George and Fonzi grooming each other
Maisie and Silver getting acquainted over the fence
Silver and Gus grooming each other
Silky, Maisie and MyLight waiting for breakfast
Fonzi, George, Asterik, Faune Winston, Chimano, Romeo, Gus
Murphy and Boo grooming each other
Romeo, Winston and Faune
Noble, O’Reilly and Spike