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We had several acres of land cleared in October as the first step in building out our final pasture. My dad’s little herd of pet cows will need to be relocated to our farm and we had nowhere for them to go, thus we entered the construction zone again. I really nagged Jason about getting the land cleared and was concerned that the work had been done a tad too late for the grass seed to catch. Jason kept assuring me that it was not too late and it turns out he was right. The pictures below are the progress pictures of the grass. As you can see there is a good amount of green in these pictures a mere seven weeks later.

progress picture 1

progress picture 2

“before” picture taken right after the land was cleared

Jason spread a mix of cool season grasses that will get established and grow through the winter months. Our area in general tends to have more warm season than cool season grasses and those warm season grasses will make their way into the pasture without us having to put any effort into it. That being said we will probably go ahead and seed with some warm season grasses in the spring anyway.

In a few short months I think this area will be shaping up into a very nice pasture for Buster and friends. At some point we will need to be thinking about getting it fenced, running water lines, etc. Jason and I are both content to avoid these projects for now. Whenever we discuss it we agree that we will need to get to it “soon” but neither of us is inclined to set a more specific date than that.



Levendi, Tony, Thomas and Baby

Norman and Calimba

Murphy and Sam

Merlin, Lightening and Noble (who appears to be attempting to eat something in the trees)

Gus and Romeo (unfortunately the nappers behind the trees were almost impossible to include in the picture but they are George and Lotus)

B-Rad, Johnny, Lighty and Africa

Dutch, Chili and Renny

Snappy, Slinky and Walden heading in for breakfast under a bright morning sun

Wiz and Sebastian

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