As usual I am way behind in uploading my pictures. Today’s pictures are from mid-September. The pastures look fantastic in these pictures, much better than they look today. We are coming to the end of the grazing season and will be putting hay out in a couple more weeks. No more gorgeous green pastures until mid-late March when spring comes again. I love it when the pastures are full of vibrant green colors, the trees are fully leafed out, and everything looks so alive. Right now isn’t too bad with the colorful fall leaves, but the grass is starting to go. By the first of March every year I am wondering if the pastures will come back. Thankfully they “spring” back every year!
Chance over the fence; this was taken on one of his first days with us
Trillion and Ogie
Trillion, Faune and Sebastian
Billy the goat (what a creative name dad!) and the rooster
the goats
Bella, Bonnie and Lexi
Buffy with Harmony in the background
Buffy, Teddy, Harmony
Follow the leader
Ogie and Poco napping together
