I’m sure it is not necessary for me to remind everyone that I am, as always, way behind on posting pictures. All of these pictures were taken in November. Hey, at least we are getting closer to 2009!
Bella the dog and Cloudy the cat; Cloudy has been introduced in
I caught Chance right in the middle of a nap
Dad with Bugle in the passenger seat, Bush standing in the back, Bear is the black blob in the back and Trooper is on the floorboard. We call Dad’s gator the dogmobile because he never goes anywhere without at least three dogs riding along. I introduced some of the dogs in
Fall colors
Ogie and Sebastian
Asterik, Ogie, Faune and Sebastian with a background of some pretty fall colors
Fall on the farm
Chance, Apollo and Leo
Sebastian and Faune
Leo and Eflin
Sebastian and Trillion
