some of the big boys grazing; it looks like Tony, Homer, Chance, Hemi, Ivan and Apollo

Not that you can really see them but this is Baby and Elfin.
Levendi and Thomas
hard to see them again but this is Baby, Levendi, Grand, Hemi and Homer
Apollo, Thomas and Hemi
Tony and Chance
Fuzzy, Chili, Murphy, Dutch and Wiz
Wiz playing in the water trough; a favorite pastime of his
and then showing me his wet face
Norman and Lexi
Cuffie up to his pony wiles again, this time with B-Rad
and the ears go back and the teeth come out!
Jo, one of the World’s Cutest Fainting Goats
Winston, Asterik and Romeo hanging out
MyLight, Harmony and Cuffie eating breakfast
Faune and Romeo
Alex and B-Rad are big friends
