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Picture Perfect


Today was one of those perfect days that made me think repeatedly about how lucky I am to work with horses each day. As the sun was rising over the farm and the morning fog was lifting, Jason and had the pleasure of seeing a beautiful sight. The big boys were quite a ways out in their pasture grazing quietly. The scene with the horses against the rising sun was gorgeous enough, but the boys were grazing contentedly with a herd of 11 deer. They were all mixed in together, clearly used to each others presence, grazing quietly. Of course I attempted to take a picture, however as I was climbing the fence in order to get a clear shot I spooked the deer and they took off, bounding over the 5′ fence as if it were a pole on the ground.

For the most part the big boys ignored the scattering deer. There were a couple of lifted heads as the deer herd galloped away and leaped over the fence, but the dramatic exit of the deer was met with little interest. It made me wonder how much time the two herds, deer and horses, have spent together.

The rest of the day was equally as nice. The weather was perfect with a light breeze and a high of about 79 degrees. It was one of those days when everything just worked. The horses were mannerly and cooperative, the sky was blue and the birds were singing. This will be a great day to replay in my head the next time I am soaked from the rain and the horses are acting like heathens. If only every day could be so perfect.


Chili and Fuzzy on the run

Clay was close behind them


Rocky and Clayton

Kennedy, Toledo and Stormy

Rampal, Tiny and Kennedy


Sebastian, Murphy, Wiz and Dutch

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