I have to say this has not been the greatest week ever. Jason and I have BOTH had the flu. On Sunday evening we made our usual run to the grocery store. On the way home we both had a very light cough, I would compare it to when you have a tickle in your throat. By Monday morning Jason was really sick. He did not get out of bed from Sunday evening until Tuesday morning, spiking a fever of about 103 during that time. That is the first time I’ve EVER seen Jason not get out of bed like that. I did not feel great on Monday but would not describe myself as sick until Monday evening.
By the time I was feeding all of the horses dinner on Monday I was heading downhill fast. I was in absolute misery on Tuesday, pretty comparable to where Jason was on Monday. Thanks goodness for great help. Unfortunately Tuesday was one of the only days this week when Jason and I did not have any help. I fed breakfast and dinner and got through stall cleaning, water troughs etc. All of us horse people have had to care for the ponies when we are miserably sick so that is nothing new. The killer was I had to put rainsheets on everyone as we had a front moving through Tuesday evening bringing us rain and a temperature drop. By some miracle I managed to get a farm full of horses in their rainsheets. I say this not to praise myself but in sheer wonderment that I managed to get the right sheets on the right horses and get all of the buckles and surcingles attached correctly!
Jason did not get to spend the entire day in bed on Tuesday. He did venture out on the tractor Tuesday afternoon filling up some of the hay feeders. Really they all had enough hay to make it another day or so but with the temperature change coming we felt it important they have plenty of fresh hay to choose from. I will admit that as I was dragging myself around the farm that afternoon feeling utterly sorry for myself it was nice to know that my misery had company. I cannot say that Jason was exactly driving in smooth, straight lines on the tractor! It probably wasn’t the smartest thing for him to be driving heavy equipment in his sick and drugged state but it was the only option at the time. If we weren’t outside working we were lying in the bed thinking about our miserable state.
Wednesday was a lot easier just because we had great help again. My only contribution was feeding dinner and topping up some water troughs and Jason was back on the tractor briefly putting out some more hay. Other than that we had great help do everything else for us, right down to grooming some of the horses.
I don’t think Jason and I have really slept since Monday. We’ve spent plenty of time in the bed but there has been so much coughing, hacking, sneezing, aching and sweating through our clothes from fever for any sleep to be happening. One of us didn’t even have to go sleep in another room since we were both being so noisy. Today we both attempted to get back to our normal routines. I would describe us as both still feeling puny and being in a fog-like state but we both appeared to be rid of our fevers as of this morning as well as most of the accompanying achiness. The coughing, hacking and sneezing remains but is slowing down. Hopefully we will both get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a busy day as our wonderful farrier Gwen will be here.
I will wrap up my pity part of a post now and share some pictures from November. As usual I am way behind on pictures!
I included this one just because Jason is smiling and looking happy, unlike this week. Gracie the cat is in the background and of course that is Bear crawling on him.
From L-R Homer, Chance, Bella the dog, Apollo, Ivan, Elfin
I’m not sure why Bear was “jailed” in the back of the truck as I’m too drugged to remember but he looks cute!
All lined up with somewhere to go. Front to back it is Leo, Elfin and Homer.
Sebastian and Ogie
Trillion and Asterik were really interested in something in the neighboring pasture
Homer, Leo and Elfin grazing on a beautiful fall day
