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Not Bored


I was thinking this morning there hadn’t been much interesting going on around here lately, and really there hasn’t. We have certainly been busy, but not with anything fun or interesting. Mostly it has been Jason that has been kept busy with the extra projects.

Recently when we were spreading all of our composted manure the manure spreader got a flat tire. Jason had the pleasure of dealing with that. Of course it happened when the spreader was full of manure. A couple of years ago Jason insisted on spending a few hundred dollars on some extra special jack. I will admit I objected to this. However, on days when the manure spreader has a flat tire when it is full of manure, I’m glad he has it. It was money well spent when faced with climbing in the spreader and forking all of the compost out by hand so a smaller jack can be used.

We’ve also put several more loads of hay in the hay barns in the last couple of weeks. Our barns are almost completely full now. Jason is religious about checking any new hay daily. One day he found a bale that he felt was too warm and it needed to come out and sit in the sun for a couple of days. Of course it was one of the first ones he had put in from the recent loads. He started removing all the bales so he could get to that one, and he decided there had to be a better way than emptying most of the barn and then restacking all of the hay again. He found some rope and tied it to the strings of the bale and then tried to pull the bale out from the back of the stack. I will give him credit. He did manage to get the bale out. Of course the rope and the strings on the bale broke in the process and the entire bale was toast at that point . . . but he did get it out of the barn.

Jason was a man with a plan. It sort of worked.

Yesterday he discovered, when using the big batwing Bushhog, that the tractor had a hydraulic leak. I haven’t asked how much that repair is going to cost. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. That is yet another project for Jason to handle. I have no doubt he was thrilled. We certainly wouldn’t want him to be bored. Thus, after some reflection, I realized that there had been plenty of things going on around here lately. Maybe we will one day have this elusive experience that we sometimes hear people talking about. They usually refer to it as “I was so bored this weekend because I didn’t have anything to do.” Jason and I usually think “what is this ‘weekend’ and ‘boredom’ you refer to!?”


Largo and Toledo were being silly

Lofty, Cocomo and Gibson

B-Rad and Alex

Walden and Fabrizzio

Merlin, Duesy and O’Reilly

Romeo and Donneur

Dolly and Cuffie

MyLight, Cinnamon and Calimba

Walon was so thrilled (not) to be having a bath

pretty sunset

Flyer and Silver having some early morning play time

George and Gus grooming after breakfast

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