of pictures of our residents . . . that I didn’t take! I shared pictures of Sebastian and Faune in this post that were sent to me by their moms. Sebastian’s mom sent me another variation on the same picture. This one is equally as good but with a much more humorous slant to it!
She also sent me a picture of Henry, her other horse, who is here for some R&R. One of Henry’s favorite holidays is Halloween, and he dresses up every year. She sent me a picture of Henry in his most recent Halloween costume.
Sebastian sending out his version of holiday greetings. I said it in the last post but I have to say again how young he looks with his dark gray mane!
The first version that I shared in the previous post. This one needs to be a Hallmark greeting card.
Henry dressed up as a cow for Halloween this past fall. I love riding and showing as much as the next person but to me these are the times you remember the most, just having fun and being silly with your horse. I think they both look pretty pleased with themselves!
