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Monday Pictures


Tonight will be a quick post as I need to do some exciting things like clean my house (where is that cleaning fairy that never seems to show up at my house??). I’m also a bit on the grumpy side as my allergies are driving me crazy right now. I mentioned in my last post that we haven’t had rain in over a month (and it seems to be just our immediate area as our new farm has had plenty of rain in the past month, go figure) and the dust is just driving me crazy and I sneeze all the time. I have no idea why it decided to stop raining but I would really appreciate it if the rain clouds that keep showing up about 2 miles south of the farm would move 2 miles north and park themselves over us for a day or so!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Cuff Links and Harmony grooming each other

Dutch hanging out and looking over Murpy’s back with Wiz in the background

Clay, Chili, Boo and Justin

Jason with Fuzzy Punch; I told Jason that the picture would look a lot better if Fuzzy had his ears forward . . .

. . . so Jason put his ears forward; Fuzzy Punch was being very tolerant!

Boo on the run


MyLight, Harmony and Missy

Asterik and Sebastian

Alex, B-Rad, Winston and Ogie

Sebastian and Faune

Mina and Jo, World’s Cutest Fainting Goats

Jo leaping off the bench

Lucky found a convenient place to rest his head on Lightening’s back

Lightening’s neck worked equally as well

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