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Miracle Update & 7 Interesting Facts


The first order of business in this post is an update on Miracle. If you missed my last post about Miracle you can read about

1. I have pretty much zero artistic ability. I can’t sing, can’t draw (like, I can’t even make a stick figure look right), I take zillions of pictures around the farm yet my photography skills never improve. However I do have a knack for playing musical instruments. I was first chair clarinet in middle/high school although I stopped playing when I went to college. I bought a violin a few years ago with the intent of learning to play although I’ve not yet found the time to take lessons. Actually I think I might end up learning to fiddle, we’ll see.

2. At one point I was the youngest person in the country to pass the morse code test as part of getting an amateur radio license. My father is a devoted amateur radio operator and of course wanted his kids to share in his hobby. I can’t remember how old I was when I passed the morse code test (maybe 5??), nor do I know if my record still stands. My call sign is KA4PHZ. I haven’t been active in a really, really long time but my dad keeps my license active for me.

3. When I met Jason he thought it was cool that I already knew how to drive a manual shift truck. Apparently in his world girls that can drive a manual shift truck are rare and he felt it should be included in this list. Of course I didn’t learn in a truck I learned in a BMW but I still learned!!

4. Prior to starting a retirement farm I took over a failing recruiting company after I graduated from college. By sheer dumb luck (and a lot of hard work) I was able to turn it around into a multi-million dollar company. I was named to Nashville’s Top 30 Under 30 and won the Nashville Music City Future 50 Award twice. The Future 50 Award is given to the 50 fastest growing privately held companies in the Nashville area.

5. My degree is in microbiology with a minor in chemistry. I intended to go to vet school and worked for a vet in college. This led me to realize that I did not want to be a vet as my collection of discarded animals would number in the thousands by this point. I have never used the focus of my degree out in the “real world.”

6. Speaking of college my parents told me they would not fund my tuition and pay for me to take a horse to college, they were only going to tote the note for one. Of course this was still a very generous offer on their part! I was not about to go horseless in college so I managed to get myself a full scholarship and the horse moved with me to college. I realize I am incredibly lucky in that I was able to continue to ride and show while in college. To this day my parents mention often it would have been cheaper to just pay the tuition and they should never have made that offer!

7. One thing I had the opportunity to do in high school was to get my pilot’s license. In addition to being a ham radio operator my dad is also a private pilot. He wanted my sister and I both to get our licenses. My sister got her license and I did not. I took 4 lessons and decided it was taking up too much of my riding time so I stopped. I really regret that decision now. About once a year I check in with my dad to see if the offer to get my pilot’s license still stands and he just laughs at me.

Goodness that took forever to come up with those seven things and Jason had to help me. Maybe I should add a number eight to that list and say that the adjective most people would pick to describe me would be boring! And it should be pretty obvious from that list that I am blessed with the most wonderful set of parents anyone could ever hope for. I hit the jackpot in the parent lottery.

Since Jason also contributes to the blog occasionally the next post will consist of his 7 interesting things. My guess is right now he is trying to whittle his down from 100 interesting facts to 7. He is much more interesting! ______________________________

Mina and Jo, World’s Cutest Fainting Goats, take so much pleasure from the simple things in life. Here they are playing with empty feed bags.

Jo with her head in a feedbag

Mina with her head in a feedbag

I noticed our annual Canada geese visitors were back in the pond this weekend; spring is surely going to be here soon!!

Darby, Ogie and Boo

View of the new farm from the road

Tony and Hoffy

Trigger and Homer





Hemi and Thomas


Wiz getting up from what appears to have been a very thorough roll

We had lots of nappers the last couple of days; MyLight


Kennedy and Toledo napping while Stormy and Rocky hang out

Lily; note her eyes are closed and her lip is drooping

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