We spent the last few days having our second round of body clipping. We did the first round in late May, and ended up clipping around 25 horses. Round two was a lot easier since we “only” clipped ten horses this time. My shoulders had barely recovered from round one, and they’ve let me know that ten horses was plenty for round two. As always, the horses we are having to clip have PPID/cushing’s, and they never stop growing hair. Some horses we clip once during the season, others up to four, it varies from horse to horse. It can also differ from year to year with each horse. Sometimes we end up clipping a horse more often, and sometimes we end up clipping a horse less often. We treat each horse as an individual so that they each get what they need. We’ll move on to round three of body clipping in the near future.
Gus being clipped
Gus looked nice after his clip
Maisie and Lily kept each other company while they were clipped
Lily checking out all of the hair that had been clipped off of her
Bruno being clipped
Bruno after his clip
Norman and Cuffie kept each other company while they were clipped
King hates being clipped so we drove a generator out into the pasture and let him eat while he was clipped in the pasture with his buddies. Talk about delivering customized service.
As always, Sparky the donkey had the most hair to be clipped off and stood the most still
Sparky heading back to the pasture after his clip
We can always count on Sebastian to stand quietly while being clipped
Hemi, Grand and Rip (Vinnie hidden behind them)
Cuffie and Traveller
Cisco and Ricardo
Maggie and Charlotte
Taco and B-Rad
Digby and Quigly
Convey and Trigger
Penny and Maggie
Taylor and Alfie
Merlin, Duesy and Art
Sport, Cody and Remmy were having a 3-way horseplay session
Cody and Remmy kept it going for awhile
Bruno and Renny
Cinnamon and Dawn
Digby and Paramount
Norman and Maggie
life is good for Vinnie
Maisie and Lily
Innes and Sabrina
Indy and Sam
Maggie and Calimba
Homer and Revy
Remmy and Merlin
Baner, Havana, Art and Renny