The last few days the theme around the farm has been run, play, roll and nap. The weather has been wonderful, Saturday and Sunday were both sunny and in the mid 60’s. By Friday afternoon everyone was naked. I told Jason it felt like we were a nudist beach or something, I’ve gotten so used to seeing horses wearing rainsheets and blankets. There have been plenty of times when most of the horses have been naked but not a lot where everyone has been naked.
The horses were enjoying the sun and it seemed like every time I looked around I saw another horse down taking a nap. There was a lot of “dead horse” going on around here this weekend. It wore me out running around making sure everyone really was just taking a nap. The last three days were just fun days to be on the farm. All I saw were horses running for the fun of it, playing with each other, rolling like fiends, of course taking naps, and grazing in the sun.
A couple of the horses are in serious shedding mode right now although most are just now starting to shed, and very halfheartedly at that. It always seems like the gray horses are the ones that really start to shed ahead of everyone else. Cuffie lost a mountain of hair today while I went over him with the shedding blade. I watched Lily roll this morning, and there was a pile of white hair on the grass after she stood up. When she did the requisite after roll shake white hair when flying everywhere.
Thanks to our wonderful (not) winter we had this year we are having a very late spring. Our daffodils should be in full bloom by now and they are just barely starting to come up out of the ground. At least it feels like spring really is going to come, and hopefully soon!
The skunk smell in the barn has improved tremendously, we are on day eight today. It is mostly gone, with the office being the only part with an odor lingering consistently. Since the windows have been able to be open in the office the last few days hopefully that will help with the odor.
Lightening and Lucky running just for the fun of it . The zoom on my camera was temporarily stuck so a lot of this looks far away. At about 1:20 that is Lightening and Clay both rolling, it is hard to tell since the stupid zoom decided not to zoom for a few minutes. I think my poor camera is so overloaded with dirt it is getting time for a replacement.
Continuing on with more happy horses. How anyone could think these horses would rather be standing in a stall most of the time being “pampered” is beyond me. We start with Lucky and O’Reilly playing. Then Trigger and Thomas run along behind the fence, and then Thomas stops to roll. We then see more playing O’Reilly and Levendi playing over the fence.
Homer and Ivan napping with Chance grazing in the background
Missy and Lily
Mares just hanging out; MyLight, Harmony, Missy and Buffy
Winston was napping hard in dead horse position
O’Reilly, Chili and Snappy grazing in the sun
Homer, Apollo, Levendi, Baby and Trigger were all very happy to not be wearing a sheet or a blanket
Dustin, Ivan and Tony
Jo the fainting goat was a very active participant on farrier day. Here she decided it was time to say hello to Gwen the farrier while she was trimming Missy.

I missed the prefect picture. Tony was hanging out in a stall awaiting his turn with the farrier when Jo came marching up to introduce herself. They touched noses, it was very cute. Here Jo is walking away while Tony says “don’t leave yet!”

Elfin turning around to see what that silly goat was up to now. Elfin and Jo also touched noses.

Jo wore herself out playing with the farrier and the horses so she had to take a nap. Jo in dead goat position.

Harmony napping in the sun
Another horse in dead horse position

I walked out to check and make sure they were just napping and Chili popped his head up and looked at me
Faune snoozed in the hay while Winston ate hay on Friday morning
Hanging out in the sun; Slinky in the front with Baby, Ivan and Apollo in the back
Two nappers, one standing (Lucky) and one down (Snappy)
Cloudy climbed up on the hay bales in the Kubota to take a cat nap

Norman always looks so cute no matter what he is doing
Cinnamon grazing in the sun