Even though he is technically a miniature horse and not a pony, Timbit lives up to every stereotype there is of a pony. He can be hard to catch, if he thinks you have stopped paying attention to him for 1/16th of a second he’ll bite you. He has lots of charming habits like that.
We used three strands of electric tape to set up a paddock for our recent additions to the farm, Rubrico and Mick. Jason made the top two strands of electric tape hot but not the bottom strand. As you can see in the videos below this was a strategic mistake on Jason’s part.
At some point Timbit decided he needed access to the paddock with the new horses and he realized the bottom strand wasn’t going to stop him. So he decided to personally welcome our newest residents to the farm. Except I think his actual motive was more to get a rise out of them and see what he could get away with. Rubrico obliged him by getting rowdy. Mick mostly just ignored him and grazed, probably hoping the annoying little horse would go away. This is life with Timbit.
Timbit and Rubrico. I think the best part of this video is the very end when Timbit tosses his head at Rubrico from the other side of the electric fence. It is like he is saying “haha, you can’t do that!”
Mick refuses to get worked up by Timbit’s presence
Timbit and Rubrico

Timbit and Mick

Donovan, Toledo and Rocky on the run

Johnny and Lighty

only blingy chestnuts were allowed in this picture; Tony, Baby and Leo

Levendi, Ritchie and Trigger were all having playtime

Hemi and Rip hanging out

Johnny and Walon

Jason looking thrilled to be holding Merlin and Fabrizzio while they waited their turns with the farrier

Cocomo and Asterik playing halter tag

Fune tried to help Asterik remove his halter
