We had another beautiful day today. After the rain we had on Wednesday the ground and soil conditions were perfect for spreading and harrowing in grass seed. Nothing could have made Jason happier. The entire time he was on the tractor he looked as happy as a kid in a toy store. When he would take a break to refill with grass seed he was happily babbling on about the perfect soil conditions and the smells of spring. “Do you smell the soil? Doesn’t it smell perfect?” He asked me those questions repeatedly.
Jason loves spring, and he loves springtime work. It would be an understatement to say it was a great day to be Jason. We’re both lucky that we get to do things that we love and enjoy for a living. Even better is combining our passions and enjoying them together each day. Well, being totally honest there are days when 150 acres does not provide enough space for the two of us! However on most days neither of us would change a thing.
Have a great weekend!
Happy Jason

We went to the co-op yesterday to purchase grass seed. The sign made me laugh. As I said to Jason “the last things on my mind when I go to the co-op are drinks, snacks and clean restrooms. Shouldn’t they be advertising seed or fertilizer or something?”

Noble and Walden were being playful

then they went for a run

Fonzi enjoying a good roll

Chimano made funny faces at Fonzi

Romeo and Winston

Tony, Chance, Moe and Trigger

Rampal and Kennedy

Fuzzy and Chili
