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Groundhog Day


According to Punxsutawney Phil we have six more weeks of winter. I don’t know about everyone else but I seriously considered having groundhog for dinner tonight after Phil’s announcement!! I know I shouldn’t complain to much – but let’s be honest here, when has that ever stopped me from complaining?? Anyway, we’ve had a grand total of 4.5 inches of snow so far this winter and that is a lot by our standards, especially since we just finished January. Global warming please come back!!

Now good ole Phil is telling me I’m in for six more weeks of winter. Great. Anyone who has read this blog, oh, ever, knows that I am no fan of winter. I would rather be on the verge of heatstroke than be cold. Jason always makes fun of me saying it isn’t possible for anyone to be as cold as I am. A few weeks ago I started taking my temperature every day just to see where I stand and I’ve yet to hit 98.6 on the thermometer, and often don’t even make 98. So yes Jason, I *AM* really that cold most of the time!! And yet he wonders why the two New England winters I endured with him almost sent me over the brink, both physically and mentally. For the 90 days known as December, January and February I dream about moving down to the Keys, Tennessee is too cold for me.

I will admit that I enjoyed sledding this weekend. However, if there is nothing prettier than a snow covered landscape, there is not much that is attractive about melting snow and the ensuing mess. I removed some blankets Sunday morning and most of the remaining blankets yesterday morning. Only a couple of horses still have their blankets on. It has been about 50 degrees during the day the last couple of days, and I am surprised that there is still snow hanging around. This batch of snow seems determined to hang around! Usually we are lucky if our snow stays around for 24 hours.

Aside from the hugely disappointing news from Punxsutawney Phil today there isn’t much to report around here. After starting the day with Phil’s bad news, I had to meet with our CPA at lunch today to review our taxes. That didn’t exactly improve my day any! Tomorrow is a farrier day so I am off to make my list. A day with the farrier will be far more enjoyable than a day with the CPA.

One of my favorite pictures I have taken recently. Asterik and Winston looking so handsome against the pretty winter background. (hey – I said something NICE about winter!!)

It was very humid and foggy this morning, the snow on the ground makes it look colder than it was. Chili walking through the fog.

Another foggy picture from this morning.


MyLight looking too cute with a strand of hay on her face. Life is tough when you are surrounded by your favorite food.

Faune (Big French Guy)

B-Rad, Winston and Ogie




Tony in the front, Levendi, Homer, Apollo and Baby in the back

Cuff Links rolling in the snow – a very popular activity




Sebastian with the requisite post-roll shake

Not a great picture of Asterik and Faune but I liked everything about the background from the sky to the coated trees


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