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Go Ahead and Laugh


I know people love to laugh at us southerners in the snow, and I’m as guilty as anyone of making fun of our over-reactions to the white stuff. We had a southern version of snowmageddon the last couple of days. The amount of snowfall varied anywhere between 3 inches and all the way up to a foot or a little more. That may not sound like a lot to some people but for this area it is a LOT of snow. As always the schools were announced as closed on Sunday evening before the first snowflake appeared in the sky. They are still closed through Wednesday and who knows if they will even be open this week at all.

The new farm was on the higher end of snow accumulation and had about a foot of fluffy white snow on the ground before it finally stopped falling out of the sky. Jason looked up the weather records and it is the second highest snowfall ever recorded for the area in 130 years of records and is the equivalent to 3 years worth of snow in one snow fall.

This picture pretty much sums up our ability to handle this snow! (I cannot take credit for this picture, a friend took it)

I can’t take credit for the next three pictures either, I swiped them from a friend. The traditional rush to the grocery store ensues any prediction of snow, even if we’re talking about no measurable accumulation. Here is where the milk should have been:

Where the eggs should have been:

The 20 or so loaves of bread that were left on the shelves:

It is amazing we’ve all managed to survive! I was watching the news yesterday and saw a clip of a car in the Atlanta area that was on fire. I googled and found the full clip on the local Atlanta news station site. They had a live crew filming and some guy was trying to drive on a slight uphill incline in his real wheel drive BMW. Instead of letting off the gas as the car slid around he just kept accelerating harder and he literally burned so much rubber the car caught on fire! On live television! The funniest part was the news crew had to flag the driver down to tell him his tires had caught on fire! While waiting on the fire truck to get their the entire car eventually was engulfed in flames. Then they showed the fire truck spraying the flaming car. Only in the south!!

I showed the video clip to Jason and he stood there with his mouth wide open watching it. Watching his reaction to the whole thing was as funny as watching the clip itself.

I hope all of you northerners had a good laugh out of this post and the pictures. Heck even I think it is funny!!

Mina and Jo, World’s Cutest Fainting Goats, were not pleased with the snow. Here is Jason trying to put them out on Monday morning. Mina wouldn’t even get up! Then when she is about to leave the barn she looks back at me like “do I HAVE to go out there?”

Bush does not look very happy in this picture. I’m thinking my expression mirrors his!

Justin was playing with Bear and Bella

Jason and Fuzzy Punch

Boo and Justin making funny faces while eating hay

Chili having a good roll in the snow

MyLight had a good roll in the snow as well (Lily behind her)

Sebastian and Bella

Asterik with Gus and Romeo behind him

Faune, Winston and Chimano

Rocky and Rampal were playing

Maisie and Lily at the salt block

Levendi (Grand and Hemi in the background)

Thomas and Tony


Ivan and Leo were playing

Teddy and Noble

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