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Glimmer of Hope


If we can survive the next 24-ish hours, and if our weather forecast has even a remote chance of being correct, we may finally be getting a break from this miserable time of year known as winter. Even better I might feel like complaining writing about something other than the weather. If you have read this blog in the last five weeks you might have noticed that the weather has been, well, awful.

However we do have to get through the next 24-ish hours and supposedly that might prove to be kind of difficult. The weather models show that we are expected to get our first measurable snowfall in three years at the farm. We have had flurries a few times but it has been three years since we had accumulating snow at the farm. Depending on which forecast you read we are supposed to get anywhere from a half inch to six inches of snow. Don’t bother going to the grocery store now folks, I can assure you there is nothing left to buy.

There are three things that I find surprising about our current situation. The first one is that TEMA has not declared a State of Emergency. It is true, I looked, we are all so beaten down by the weather even TEMA is unable to muster themselves into a State of Emergency. We are however at Level IV – elevated.

The second is that our county has still not closed the schools despite the fact that several of our neighboring counties have already officially closed the schools for tomorrow. Normally if they even forecast snow the schools are closed but apparently this time they are waiting until it actually snows to close them. Who would have thunk it? All of us poor souls in middle Tennessee have been so worn out by the weather that the schools have not been closed in anticipation of snow and we are not living in a State of Emergency. Unbelievable. We are a disgrace to ourselves as southerners.

The third thing that is surprising to me is that Jason forgot to bring our tractor battery into the house and place it inside the pantry last night. It went down in the teens last night and there was no battery sitting in our pantry between the potato chips and the jar of honey. Even Jason is falling down on the job, not just TEMA and Giles County. It was so . . . weird . . . having a cold night and no tractor battery nestled amongst the food items. What seemed bizarre and unthinkable to me a few weeks ago has started to feel normal. What can I say, we all feel like limp dishrags that have been wrung out over and over and over. TEMA, Giles County, even Jason, all of us are OVER. IT. To illustrate how dire things have been it was almost 40 F and sunny yesterday afternoon and we were talking about it being a nice day. WTF??

Anyway, supposedly we have a snowpocolypse heading our way tomorrow. But after that there is a glimmer of hope. I see temperatures mostly in the 50s and 60s in our ten day forecast. Please, oh please, let it be true.


O’Reilly and Noble

Walden and Merlin

Leo, Baby and Tony

Apollo and Hemi

Rip and Elfin

Walon and Oskar

Faune and Donneur

Silver, Gus and George

Maisie and Lily

Dolly, Cinnamon and MyLight

Bergie giving a tutorial on the perfect roll. We do the first side . . .

. . . then we sit up so we can flip over to the other side . . .

. . . then we thoroughly coat the other side while making sure we grind our head into the mud for thorough coverage . . .

. . . then we sit up and make sure the photographer has thoroughly documented our work

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