The pastures have been very colorful the last few days as more often than not the horses have had their clothes on this week. To say I have not been a happy camper the last couple of days would be an understatement. Get ready for it folks, the next 90 days are going to chock full of me endlessly whining and complaining about being cold. For me anything under about 45 degrees means it is time to break out the long underwear. I was not happy to be pulling out the long underwear in early December, I should be able to put this off until later in the month. Most of the horses had their blankets taken off after breakfast this morning and they’ll have a couple of days of being nekkid before they go back on.
Yesterday was a farrier day. As I was leading Lily back out to her pasture she was very excited. She’s always excited as we walk towards her friends. On the other hand as we walk away from them we practice our funeral walk while we turn around and call to them. Yesterday she was even more excited than usual as we walked towards her friends. I was expecting her to turn and gallop off after I removed her halter. She did exactly that but she went crazy bucking, leaping and galloping. She went all the way across the pasture to the other horses doing her aerial moves, and kept going when she reached them. The other girls thought this seemed fun so they started running too.
I managed to capture some of it on the video below. Unfortunately I didn’t even think to pull my camera out of my pocket for Lily’s initial solo run. I was too busy watching her and thinking “you go Lily!” to think about pulling out my camera.
Sorry the first 15 seconds are so blurry, the zoom got stuck on my camera. At 25 seconds you can see the chain reaction buck, first Lily, then Harmony and then MyLight. They had a good time.
A video clip of Romeo’s before and after meal routine. He does this before you feed him and then does this for a good 10 minutes after he is done eating. He sucks his cheeks in and licks his lips and he does it over and over and over. It is much cuter in person but I tried to capture it on video.

Storm and Tiny with Johnny in the background
Alex and Justin
Rampal and Storm were hanging out under the trees
Cuff Links; Cuffie is one that can remove his blanket with all of the straps still done up. I’ve never seen a horse actually do this, I’ve always just found the blanket sans horse laying in the field, all straps and buckles still adjusted.
Hay eating has been a very popular activity this week. Snappy, Lucky, Teddy, Lightening and Slinky. Or, as Jason says when he has his clothes on “Slink in Pink!”
O’Reilly, Spike and Noble