I’m not sure what I did but whatever it was I am sorry. This time last week I was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and had my first sunburn of 2011. We had a nice run of about three weeks mostly in the 70’s with sunshine, capped off by a few days of 80 degrees and sunshine and it was wonderful. Now we are in the 50’s, with a couple of extra yucky days in the 40’s, with threats of rain showers almost every day. So I will say again whatever I did I’m sorry, and can we please have our spring weather back? The horses are sporting their rain sheets after more than a month of being naked. I had hoped we were through with articles of horse clothing for the season but it was not to be. Sigh.
Cuff Links channeling his inner stallion while playing with Dutch over the fence
B-Rad and Darby
Tiny and Rampal
