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Changing Seasons


On Monday morning I was up and out early feeding the horses. I’ve mentioned before that mornings are my favorite part of the day. It is so quiet and peaceful, and the horses are so happy to see you. I know they aren’t happy to see me, they are happy to see the food lady coming, but I pretend it is me that makes them happy.

It was an especially peaceful and quiet morning. There was still a bit of fog and it was very quiet outside. I was walking through the pastures lamenting at how terrible they looked as it suddenly had decided to get really dry and hadn’t rained for 45 days. That was rectified on Tuesday and Wednesday though as we got 3+ inches of rain. Hopefully the pastures will spring back soon.

As I was feeding some of the horses a big flock of geese came flying overhead. They were flying quite low and circling above the pastures I was in at the time. I wasn’t surprised to see them as we have a pond and have geese visit us each year. The geese are just one of many signs I’m seeing these days of the changing seasons. I’ve started to see a hint of fuzz on the horses’ coats, the leaves are starting to hint at changing colors on the trees, the pastures look like they are approaching the end of grazing season in another month or two instead of their fresh spring look.

The geese made quite a loud entrance on what had been such a quiet morning, and eventually settled in one of the pastures. They had everyone’s attention, mine, the horses, and Bella the dog. They were an interruption, although a pleasant and welcome one, to our peaceful morning. Once they landed they joined us in our quiet solitude and were quiet in the field.

It always makes me a little sad when the seasons change, it feels like you are saying goodbye to a friend. Except I never feel that way when spring comes. I detest cold weather and winter. I am sure Jason will remind me that we don’t have winter here, just what he calls extended fall. Jason is from Canada and I am from the South , so to me any season with the possibility of snow (although granted we get very little here and it melts quickly) is winter, not spring or fall. But in his world spring and fall both bring snowfalls, but winter brings permanent snow on the ground for awhile and deep frost. He grew up east of Toronto and their frost line was six feet I believe. Yikes!

One of the peaceful scenes I saw early Monday morning

Bella was being playful in the pasture as she walked along with me

The geese got her attention though

Flying above us

All of the horses watched them come in for landing as well; here Teddy watches intently

Settled in the pasture; I know the picture is terrible but the fog was still hanging on

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