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Breaking Things


We’ve spent a lot of time destroying fences over the last couple of days. Some of the fence we meant to take out, some of it we did not. Since a picture is always worth a thousand words I have pictures of our work.

We meant to remove these fence sections. Jason decided he needed a bigger gate. A few minutes with a chainsaw and a front end loader and voila. When this picture was taken we thought tractors and equipment were great. Look how easy they make everything.

We intended to replace a post in this section of fence. Instead we caught the bottom board of the fence with the auger and within about half a second we had lifted our fence off the ground and sheared some posts. Sometimes you can get yourself into trouble with tractors and implements.

Of course the above scene happened at 5pm, twelve hours into our outside work (not to be confused with inside work). In what has to be an unprecedented event we didn’t scream and yell at each other, no one threw out the word stupid, and we generally acted like mature adults as we surveyed this scene. Carter thought the whole thing was hysterical. “Look at the broken fence mommy!” Yes, mommy and daddy are both fully aware of the broken fence, but thanks for pointing it out.

Dinner was extremely late tonight, and this post is going to be pretty short!


Walden, Remmy and Hesse


A very clean (ahem) Merlin and Fabrizzio

Rubrico and River

Tony and Baby

Homer and Levendi

Elfin and Moe

Mick and Taco

Lily and MyLight

Dolly, Calimba and Cinnamon

Grand and Rip

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