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Breaking Ground


We officially broke ground at our new farm this week. Our fence contractor started round one of fence installation on Tuesday. After 11″ of rain at our new farm it only took 24 hours for the ground to be dry enough for them to bring in their heavy equipment. They are in the process of installing 6,000 feet of 4-board wood fence. This will essentially give us a 40 acre pasture once the fence is complete. By the time we have the entire farm perimeter fenced and cross fenced we anticipate we will have 30,000 feet of fence so this 6,000 feet is just a good start.

Other projects we are thinking about as we work towards being able to use the property are building the first of many run-in sheds and also we need to run water and electrical lines. A driveway would be a nice touch as well. There is something of a driveway for about 100′ off the road, essentially a culvert with gravel over it so that vehicles can turn onto the property but that is it.

After living with the lovely but not very trailer friendly driveway that we have at our current location we have put a lot of thought into our new driveway. The fence contractor is curving the fence in at the entrance and bringing it back to a set of gates 75′ away from the road. In addition the gated entrance will be 24′ feet wide and we are going to double the size of the culvert at the road to make it easy to turn trailers into the driveway. Having the gates set back from the road by 75′ will make it very easy for semi-sized horse trailers to turn into our driveway and have room to completely pull in and off the road even if the gates happen to be shut.

We’re very excited about our first project being underway. I still need to get around to buying that lottery ticket because the mega millions would come in very handy right now. Instead of building things in phases we could do it all at once. Surely I would be lucky enough to pick the winning numbers with my first and only lottery ticket!

I hope everyone has a good weekend!

New posts set and waiting for boards

Digging post holes; all of the posts are leveled and then set in concrete. They are setting 860 posts for this round of fencing – which means they will be using 860 bags of concrete!!

This was taken looking toward the road. You can see the little bit of driveway that is there in this picture. Since you can see fence posts where the driveway is you probably don’t need me to tell you that we are going to be re-directing the driveway.

The Don; he may be a one rooster hit squad towards other chickens but he is certainly handsome.

Homer and Ivan

Hemi meeting Thomas over the fence

Teddy, Lightening, Snappy and Lucky




Traveller and Cinnamon

Norman and Cinnamon

Sparky and Lexi

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