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Battling the Fly


I know spring is in the air when the first fly makes an appearance in my vehicle. Jason and I trade back and forth with vehicles as some days one or the other of us needs the truck so the other one drives the car. Jason and I have very different philosophies on how we handle our vehicles. I like to keep mine clean. Jason likes to use his as a rolling trash can (I think I’ve mentioned before that I have neat freak tendencies and Jason . . . does not . . . to put it kindly). For example when I went to open the passenger door of the car earlier today two empty Sprite bottles fell out as soon as I opened it. I am sure you could hear my irritated sigh across all of Tennessee as I chased the bottles while they blew across the driveway.

I also can’t stand it when there is a fly in my car. Jason likes to leave the windows down when he parks the car, basically begging every fly within 10 miles to set up shop. I was sitting in the drive-through at the bank on Friday. Of course the one fly in the car kept buzzing around me. If they would just leave me alone I could deal with it but noooooo, they always have to try and land on me. Since the window was already down in order for me to send my paperwork thru the chute I tried to gently guide the fly out the window. How is it that I always manage to get them right to the window and then they veer off course and come right back at me?

I picked up an envelope (the post office was my next stop) and tried swatting the fly out. The stupid thing continued to evade me. So I start swatting and swishing at the fly with my envelope like a mad woman while the stupid fly went everywhere except out the window. Then I heard laughing through the intercom and I realized the teller had already sent my deposit slip back (I was too pre-occupied to notice) and was having a laugh at my expense while watching me do battle with the fly. I’m sure I looked like some kind of lunatic. Of course the whole time I was having an internal dialogue that went something along the lines of “if Jason would just put the frigging window up when he parks the car I would be doing this right now.”

Surely I am not the only person who battles flies in their vehicle?


Miracle staring at the Don while he was crowing. I’m pretty sure she was saying something along the lines of “SHUT UP!”

Leo and Chance

Grand was napping . . .

. . . as were Levendi, Ivan and Thomas. Elfin is standing watch.


something had Homer’s attention

Regis, Noble, Slinky, Spike, Snappy and O’Reilly

Tiny and Rampal were watching me . . .

. . . but apparently I was boring so they started to play

Then they looked at me with “we weren’t doing anything but standing here” expressions

Rampal got bored with everything and yawned




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