Things have been much calmer after the big move. The Big Boys have been amazingly calm about everything. They certainly don’t act like much has changed which is great. I will admit I am still pleasantly surprised by this. I keep replaying the events of the move in my head and I am continually amazed at how perfectly everything went. The move was over and done in an hour and twenty minutes. I assumed we would still be pleading with and begging a few of the boys to get on the trailer during that frame!!
This week is back to feeling like any other week. Horses get fed, doctored and tended too, the dentist will be here tomorrow, the farrier will be here on Wednesday and life is carrying on. Jason and I are rotating our days at each location, with one of us at each farm all day. We of course have help at both places as well. Like the horses we seem to have seamlessly adapted as well.
Although I have much I could ramble on about I must cut this short as I need to get organized for the horse dentist tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a fun filled day of teeth floating and sheath cleaning!
Justin and Chili grooming each other

Boo and Justin
Chili, Dutch, Fuzzy and Murphy
Dutch and Murphy
B-Rad, Alex and Ogie
I don’t think it was possible for Lucky and Snappy to be grazing any closer to each other
Norman and Sparky
Cuff Links and Missy
MyLight and Harmony
Asterik and Sebastian
Sebastian and Faune grazing in the early morning fog. If you look really closely you can barely see Winston behind Faune.