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(post by Jason) Melissa has written at some length about my gravel addiction. What she hasn’t mentioned is that over time she’s secretly become addicted as well. I thought I saw some signs last spring but it seemed controllable at the time. Who, after all, doesn’t look longingly at an empty gravel truck, wishing it a speedy return ?

But a few days ago, when we were looking at adding gravel to the feeding areas in a couple of pastures, it became apparent that she had fully succumbed to the addiction. In a whisper so quiet I couldn’t believe I heard her correctly she said, “Let’s add some more.” So we did. And it was good. Thirteen loads worth of good. Twenty loads when combined with what we got this spring.

Unfortunately, like every addiction, soon we’d run through our cash. And ultimately, it still wasn’t enough. “I wish we had more.” she said. ” I know it.” I replied. “Twice that much might actually do the job.” But of course we all know it would never be enough.

Day 1 of gravel deliveries

a beautiful start to day 2 of gravel deliveries

fresh gravel piles awaiting Jason and the tractor

Jason spreading one of our many, but still far too few, gravel piles

Bruno and Duesy having fun climbing a gravel pile

Bonnie and Griselle

River and Gus

Johnny and Lighty

Toledo and Kennedy

Gibson having his teeth floated



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