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Did everyone see this post on the Fugly blog where the horse managed to get its head stuck in a tree? That blog entry also had pictures of the draft filly that wedged herself into a water trough. My first thought when I look at the pictures in this post below is why, why, WHY? These horses all live in big pastures, we allow approx. 2 acres per horse, and the pastures are well maintained. Even during the peak of the drought last year we still had lots of grazing in our pastures. Granted they’ve looked a lot better than they did last summer, but they weren’t grazed down to dirt and weeds either. We really try hard to keep up our pastures, and it can be pretty expensive and time consuming. So why do the horses contort themselves so they can shove their head under the gates to pick at grass when they have acres and acres of equally good grass if they would just turn around and walk a few steps away from the gate?? *headdesk* *headdesk*





Faune (this picture was taken a couple of months ago but the rest are all in the last few weeks)

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